Monday, January 16, 2012

It's 'Time' to 'Observe and Report'

Going for a walk
One thing that I have found as being necessary as a new mom, that may not be obvious to everyone, is a good watch. My entire day and night revolves around time. When did he last eat? How long did he eat? When did he have his diaper changed last? How long did he sleep? What time did I put him down for a nap? What time did he get up from his nap? When was his last poopy diaper? How long has tummy time been? What time is his doctor's appointment? The questions around time go on and on. The good thing is, I've always been pretty aware of what time it is. So these questions haven't been to difficult for me. However, it's the days that get me confused. "He last ate at 3 pm...oh wait, was it 1 p.m. and yesterday it was 3...yikes, I forget."

Hanging out in my swing!
I also found new moms have to be very observant. Observe and report. You have to remember every single detail about every single moment. You can't just say, he's not being himself. Or if he is being himself, what does that mean. The more details you observe and the more detailed you are in your report the easier the Doctor's appointments and phone calls are. Not that we've had that many, but that's what I found.

Kasen is doing well and such a big boy. At his two month check up he was 24" and over 13 pounds. He fits pretty comfortably in 6 month clothing, which is just crazy. We often forget that he's just 2 months old and expect him to be doing things it's not time for him to do yet. I cherish that he's only 2 months and 6 months is coming way too soon.

Well, time to eat, or was that yesterday he was ready to eat at this time. I can't remember, good thing I have Kasen to tell me these things. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas, New Years and a Fishing Buddy!

Having Kasen at the holidays was a wonderful gift this year. The grandparents, aunts and uncles and also the way the niece and nephews took turns caring for Kasen was truly amazing. What a great blessing our family has been.

Kasen started showing signs of his wonderful personality right around the holidays. He is now bearing a huge grin if you can crack the code. The code has no pattern and can happen at any moment...good luck!

Kasen has been continuing to sleep through the night from 11-6:30 am for the most part but with a change in routine the holidays made it hard for Kasen to get to sleep. Slowly we have been trying to get back into the routine and we had a great night last night with him going to sleep at 11:30 and not getting up until 9 am! AWESOME!!!

Laura was a little sick around the holidays so New Years was a night in with the family still fun but definitely low key evening. Kasen was awake for his first New Years except he was being walked around the basement trying to get to sleep. Quite a celebration for two months!

This week Kasen had a doctors appointment and we found out he is a healthy baby boy who now weighs 13lbs 4 oz and is the 90th percentile for both height and weight. That means in a room of 100 babies ours looks like he is just starting middle school. Way to go Kasen! He also had his immunization shots and the nurse commented on all of the support Kasen had for the appointment as Grandma Clark and myself were also there with Laura. We then had to inform her that Kasen would be fine, we were there for the mother who once passed out when her dog, Meadow, got a shot. Laura has come along way and Kasen did great. He actually just cried for a few seconds and then was fine. Later that day he cried three times as much when the band aids came off.

Today Kasen discovered his mobile in the pack and play and was smiling and totally entranced by the spinning turtles and the wind up music. Everyday he seems to find something new that makes him smile. It is such a wonderful trait for him to have and we get so excited when he discovers new things. Kasen and I also got out of the house for a few hours and let mom get some cleaning done. Where did we go? Of course it was Kasen's suggestion, but he wanted to go check out local lakes to see if people were ice fishing yet; I reluctantly drove him around. We have now had a few different experiences on these kinds of trips that take us on very back roads and possibly get a little turned around, but we always make it back with mom none the wiser. Great afternoon trips that always provide lots of excitement and a NEW FISHING BUDDY!